Just as I laid my head on my pillow, the call came that Courtney was in labor. I spoke with her a few days earlier and she said, “I think Adalyn is just waiting for her daddy to be home. ” He was deployed and serving in Jordan, set to return on July 19th. But […]

On a typical day, the two little ones run around the outskirts of the Bwindi impenetrable forest, while their mama does her life’s work as a midwife. Uganda is their home…but this last week they explored Olympia, WA and I had the privilege to translate their love through images. Pioneer park Olympia, WA

Curiosity keeps us searching for places where colors shine and textures mimic. Contentment is found in the open air. To see more freelensing stories from around the globe, follow the link at the bottom of this post. You’ll be taken through a blog circle of artists dedicated to raising children who respect and enjoy what […]

June. The rise of long days spent in the great outdoors. It holds warmth and berry picking and small fruit blossoms. This is the month where screen time ends completely and our connection to the tangible is uninterrupted. We indulge in the sweetness of summer…our home is the perfect climate for berries. Every year we […]

It’s the first month of the year where we slide our windows open and thank the evening breeze. A full bloom greets us. We turn the soil, making space for new roots and the Robins follow behind collecting their feast. Some personal work from May… Olympia Photography, Burfoot Park, Watershed Park, Olympia WA

Giving them a childhood full of cloudiness and sunlight…not indoors, the screen bright. Here’s to leading the littles into something better. Sleeping In The Forest by Mary Oliver I thought the earth remembered me, she took me back so tenderly, arranging her dark skirts, her pockets full of lichens and seeds. I slept as never before, a stone […]

The trails of Burfoot Park wind through 50 acres of dense, mossy woods and lead down to the Sound’s shoreline. Almost like a fairyland, they provide a rich backdrop for sessions and it’s one of the most beautiful places to shoot. Here are a few images from a recent Motherhood session, photographed in this paradise… […]

The month of April was bursting at the seams. Family visited, we celebrated our daughter’s Gotcha Day (the day we received her seven years ago), I photographed lots of commissioned work and began a project that I can’t wait to announce this summer…I’m hoping it serves others well. Life is full and so rewarding. I’m […]

First born son…in good and content hands.

She stands confident knowing her power…ready to bring her baby girl earth-side. Goddess at thirty-nine weeks.