Preparing For An In-Home Photography Session | Olympia WA Family Photographer

Some of the best keepsakes in life are the photographs that capture your family in their true form. When they’re at home playing, laughing and just being themselves. Choosing a photographer to capture these moments for you, means that you are able to be in the photos as well. 

Although the idea of inviting someone into your home might make you anxious, it shouldn’t. There’s no need to go all out on purchasing new home decor or hiring a cleaner. Let these photographs be natural.

Some things that I talk to families about prior to their in-home session are…

Setting Up Your Home

I typically tell families to not worry about cleaning up too much as messes come with having little ones. Sometimes the chaos is part of the story and I don’t want them to feel stressed about cleaning when they have a newborn. Instead, try to focus on cleaning only one to three rooms, especially your favorite spots in the house. And remember to leave things out when they’re part of your current daily life.

A couple of weeks prior to the session, I like my clients to keep an eye on these areas and rooms, so we can determine the best time of day for the session. One thing that I do stress, is to have artificial lights turned off and window coverings open. I work with natural light only, during in-home sessions. 

Incorporate Important Items

Special props add more detail to each photo. While books and throw pillows are great, personal items add a special element of their own. Whether it’s your wedding photo or a piece of art you enjoy, tell me the story behind it. It will make your photos more meaningful. Place these items in areas where they will be best captured and free of other distracting items. Your home doesn’t need to look like a Pinterest dream board. It should reflect your family’s own unique style.

When there are little kids, I want them to have their favorite toys or projects that they like to work on available, so we can incorporate play. Not only does this capture a fun element, but it’s also a great distraction. Remember that kids will be kids. I don’t force them to be anything but themselves. I can work around whatever mood they have that day.



Think Outside the Box

Start brainstorming creative patterns and textures that you have around the house. Bright colors, different fabrics, and other elements can make great backgrounds. Although, we don’t want anything too busy that you may blend into. Bedding and carpets that have fun elements to them can make great photo backgrounds for newborn sessions.

Get creative with the layout of your furniture. If you’ve always hated the location of your couch, now is the time to try rearranging it. Although a layout may be great for your everyday life, it won’t always be the best for a photo shoot. Aim to position couches in front of the room’s best natural lighting and let the room feel open. If you need help with your layout or design, try speaking with an online designer who can assist you with your design needs.

Head Outside

Sometimes the outdoors is just what children need. We can plan to shoot a portion of your storytelling session in your yard or at a nearby location within walking distance. It’s great to incorporate many activities that you enjoy together and add variety to your finished gallery of images.

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