We’re hitting the road this November and I’d love to connect with a few families as we cross paths. I’ve opened three more sessions. These sessions are story-telling. They’ll take place in your home or at one of your favorite locations. We’ll make images that speak truth and love. Gift giving to yourself, your family, and future generations. Treasures […]
hot sand on toes, cold sand in sleeping bags, i’ve come to know that memories were the best things you ever had the summer shone beat down on bony backs so far from home where the ocean stood down dust and pine cone tracks -Ben Howard Ruby Beach, Olympic National Park
The lives of these four weave hope through others. Selflessly welcoming children during a foster period, along with all the unknowns, they demonstrate unconditional love. I hear the stories of brothers moving aside, making more room at home, and graciously sharing their momma’s arms. A kind of beauty that transcends the worlds standards. I’m fortunate enough to call them […]
Long days and short years overflow with feelings of gratitude, frustration, lessons, and love. We kiss our children goodnight and straighten their things, only to have them all come unraveled again. A never ending circle of beautiful chaos. They are still so little. But then soft curls are tucked away in baby books and limbs begin to stretch long. […]
I photograph for the tangible. For large and small prints. For books filled with pictures of childhood memories and walls that hold art. In this digital age, photographs are often forgotten on hardrives and never held by the hands that made them…or by those in them. They may never be seen by future generations. Archival quality prints are important and […]
In sickness and in health, the minutes were woven. Long days made a short year and together we became intricately tangled. A goal for one year of daily shooting became two…now seven hundred and thirty photographs tell a piece of our story. I’m thankful for each one. But more than that, one thousand times more, […]
In the earliest hours of the morning while big brother slept, their second child was born. This is the birth story of Sawyer. A story of strength, endurance, and above all else, love. Birth Center: The Birth House | Olympia, WA Midwifery services: Around the Circle Midwifery
So often, the greatest things in life are birthed without us knowing. We wait in wonder and sometimes worry. But the anticipation, the feeling that it will never come, the tangible that’s so far out of reach…all the waiting makes it even greater. Happy birthday to the one who’s existence changed my world.
When the season’s sweet, it’s nearly impossible to imagine that the next could be any better. That it could produce more fruit…stronger from the elements that the last seeds withstood. Enveloped in the present, it’s hard to let go. But when I remind myself to look ahead, to visualize the changes and a mature growth, […]
When the last hours of three are done, we’ll celebrate four trips around the sun. Tomorrow brings inevitable change.